Monday, October 31, 2011

Holy Guacamole

So our laptop pooped out and everytime I tried to post on our blog it would shut down.. but guess what..


We have a new laptop yaaaay! Here is what we've been up to..

We found some cool tables! Here is one of them, the leg was broken and the color yuck. So i redid it!

How great is this bumper sticker? Even better it was on the back of a minivan. You know theres trouble there!

They are just so cute.

I am obsessed with this BABY!!!

I love to dress this baby up!
Ok so here a bit of buisness. Hopefully I will get better about blogging. I need to blog my jewelry.. and tim when he sleeps because its HILARIOUS. No worries, its on my to-do list.  

Happy Halloween :)

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, I love it :) I'm so glad you guys got a new I'm SURE you'll be all over this blogging business and I'll never have to nag you again...right?? Hahaha!
