Sometimes you don't really realize how much you love something or someone(s) until their gone. Its so exciting being engaged and being with my husband to be but sometimes you need that girl time. For two whole years it was 100% girl time. I lived, breathed, slept, ate, loved, cried, laughed, and everything else you could imagine we did together. They wiped my tears after Tim left, and did my hair and make up the day he came home. Suddenly its all day&night Tim time which I absolutly love, but when something comes up and you just need some girl time I feel kinda lonely, I feel like those parts of me are gone. So to sum up, I miss my best friends. I miss them terribly. I wish I could have the love of my life and the two pieces that make me whole together forever, although they are in spirit it is impossible to be in person.
It helps to look back and realize some of the best times, and know that down the road there are more to come with my best friends.
Love you Kace, Love you Jess.